In a small, woodsy Oregon town, a group of friends - sensitive Gordie (WIL WHEATON), tough guy Chris (RIVER PHOENIX), flamboyant Teddy (COREY FELDMAN), and scaredy-cat Vern (JERRY O'CONNELL) - are in search of a missing teenager's body. Wanting to be heroes in each other's and their hometown's eyes, they set out on an unforgettable two-day trek that turns into an odyssey of self-discovery. When they encounter the town's knife-wielding hoods, the boys discover a strength they never knew they had. Based on the novella "The Body" by STEPHEN KING, STAND BY ME is a rare and special film about friendship and the indelible experience of growing up.
Formaatti: BLU-RAY
Jakelu: Sony Pictures
Tekstitys: Suomi, Ruotsi
Vuosi: 1986
EAN: 5051162291671
Näyttelijät: Corey Feldman,
Jerry O'Connell,
Kiefer Sutherland,
River Phoenix,
Wil Wheaton
Ohjaus: Rob Reiner
Alk. nimi: Stand By Me (Classic Line)
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