Hostages is a thrilling and suspenseful new drama series about a family caught in the middle of a grand political conspiracy that will change their lives forever. Toni Collette stars as Ellen Sanders, a top surgeon in Washington, D.C., who has been tapped to operate on the President of the United States … and then kill him. Dylan McDermott and Tate Donovan also star.
Formaatti: DVD
Tekstitys: Suomi, Ruotsi
Vuosi: 2013
EAN: 5051895381106
Näyttelijät: Billy Brown,
Dylan McDermott,
James Naughton,
Mateus Ward,
Quinn Shephard,
Rhys Coiro,
Sandrine Holt,
Tate Donovan,
Toni Collette
Ohjaus: Jeffrey Nachmanoff|Henry Bronchtein
Alk. nimi: Hostages - Season 1
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