An inspiring, hopeful psychological thriller, FREQUENCY features two stand-out performances by Quaid (D.O.A.) and Caviezel (THE THIN RED LINE). Caviezel is John Sullivan, a 36-year-old police officer who has never quite gotten over the early death of his father, Frank (Quaid), a firefighter who lost his life while on the job. When John discovers that he has begun to miraculously communicate with his father over short wave radio, circa 1969, he tries to warn him of the impending disaster, changing history in the process. (B322)
Formaatti: DVD
Tekstitys: Suomi, Ruotsi
Vuosi: 2000
EAN: 6420614602454
Näyttelijät: Dennis Quaid,Jim Caviezel,Shawn Doyle,Elizabeth Mitchell,Andre Braugher
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