The most hilarious animated sit-com since The Simpsons, Family Guy revolves around the Griffin family and their madcap adventures. The Griffin household includes two teenagers, a cynical dog who is smarter than everyone else, and a megalomaniacal mutant baby who makes numerous attempts to eradicate his parents and siblings. Heading up this eclectic household is Peter Griffin. Peter does his best to do what's right for the family, but along the way, he makes mistakes that are the stuff of legends.
Death Has A Shadow
I Never Met The Dead Man
Mind Over Murder
Chitty Chitty Death Bang
A Hero Sits Next Door
The Son Also Draws
Brian: Portrait of A Dog
Peter Peter Caviar Eater
Running Mates
Holy Crap
If I´m Dyin´ I´m Lyin
Love Thy Trophy
Death Is A Bitch
The King Is Dead