The third season of the US sci-fi drama that follows the attempts of Lawkeeper Joshua Nolan (Grant Bowler) to keep the peace in the futureworld frontier town of Defiance. Set in the near future, Earth's landscape has been decimated after years of war with the Votans, an alien race seeking a new home after their own star system was destroyed in a stellar collision. Following the collapse of the mines, Defiance is struggling with power shortages and high unemployment. Meanwhile, a Votanis Collective group, run by General Rahm Tahk (Lee Tergesen), plot a deadly attack on the city. The episodes are: 'The World We Seize', 'The Last Unicorns', 'Broken Bough', 'Dead Air', 'History Rhymes', 'Where the Apples Fell', 'The Beauty of Our Weapons', 'My Name Is Datak Tarr and I Have Come to Kill You', 'Ostinato in White', 'When Twilight Dims the Sky Above', 'Of a Demon in My View', 'The Awakening' and 'Upon the March We Fittest Die'.
Formaatti: DVD
Jakelu: Universal Sony
Tekstitys: Suomi, Ruotsi
EAN: 5053083076658
Näyttelijät: Grant Bowler, Julie Benz, Stephanie Leonidas
Ohjaus: Kevin Murphy, Rockne S. O'Bannon, Michael Taylor
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