Defiance is a drama from the creative minds behind Battlestar Galactica. Wandering through a terramorphed landscape, the mysterious Nolan decides to put down roots in a border town where aliens and humans struggle to maintain the peace in a hostile world.
Formaatti: DVD
Jakelu: Universal Sony
Tekstitys: Suomi, Ruotsi
Vuosi: 2013
EAN: 5053083033057
Näyttelijät: Dewshane Williams,
Graham Greene,
Grant Bowler,
Jaime Murray,
Jesse Rath,
Jessica Nichols,
Julie Benz,
Kevin Shand,
Mia Kirshner,
Nicole Muñoz,
Stephanie Leonidas,
Tony Curran,
Trenna Keating
Ohjaus: Kevin Murphy, Rockne S. O'Bannon, Michael Taylor
Alk. nimi: Defiance - Season 2
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