The third series of this horror anthology is set primarily at a secret school for witches in New Orleans. After an absence in series 2, Taissa Farmiga returns to the show as Zoe Benson, a young woman who unexpectedly discovers that she possesses a dangerous supernatural ability. She''s sent to the special Louisiana school, which is run by Headmistress Cordelia Foxx (Sarah Paulson), where she embarks on spell-filled adventures with fellow witches Madison Montgomery (Emma Roberts), Nan (Jamie Brewer) and Queenie (Gabourey Sidibe). Jessica Lange is also back as Fiona Goode, a powerful witch chasing eternal life, while Evan Peters plays frat boy Kyle Spencer in his return. Other familiar faces include Denis O''Hare and Lily Rabe, while newcomers Kathy Bates and Angela Bassett bring fresh excitement to the talented cast.
Formaatti: DVD
Jakelu: UK
Tekstitys: Suomi, Ruotsi
EAN: 7340112738310
Näyttelijät: Kathy Bates, Sarah Paulson, Cuba Gooding Jr.
Ohjaus: Bradley Buecker
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